What's Inside
Calling all hard-working professional women who’ve hit the invisible income ceiling…
If you’ve ever dreamed of starting your own venture, or want to branch out and develop a side hustle to earn more money, or explore a career transition, keep reading…

You have something special to offer the world that could help others (in your industry/niche or in another area of your life), and you have valuable knowledge to share with others, but you might not be sure how to go about it, given the crazy demands of your job and your home life.
Whatever reasons are motivating you, if you are interested in earning more income by helping others with what you know, learn how below…
Your hidden expertise comes from the totality of your life experience so far, from the training and skills you’ve acquired to the things people constantly come to you to ask about, to what you’ve been recognized or celebrated for, to the painful challenges you’ve learned how to overcome in your professional and personal worlds.
It is the know-how you’ve learned from living, that is unique to who you are because it is shaped by your personality, values, culture, and life path.

When you learn how to align your know-how with the solutions to pains and problems or desires that others who share your values are looking for, you’ve found your hidden expertise.
Now, you might already be getting paid for a portion of your expertise through work. But you are certainly not earning what you are worth in terms of the value that all your life experience brings to bear and would resonate with others who vibe to your message and could finally make the change by listening to you.
Examples of hidden expertise (this is not exhaustive!):
Weight loss, preparing for a baby, buying a house, selling a house, public speaking, teaching others one one one, teaching others in groups, learning code without a computer science degree, courses you’ve taken and applied lessons from, products you’ve used, finding your spouse, managing time, getting a promotion, negotiating a salary, improving relationships, side hobbies you are passionate about, efficiency or processes and systems you’ve created at work, ways you’ve learned to make money, things that seem to come easy to you, and so much more!
Whatever you’ve mastered, your unique spin would resonate with others like you (your tribe, if you will).
The beautiful thing is you don’t need an advanced degree in your area of hidden expertise. You just need personal experience with it yourself or having helped others in that area. We have a step by step process for uncovering your hidden expertise that works every time that you can learn about in the free gift you can sign up for below.
I’ve found the best way to introduce your hidden expertise is through an ultimate calling card (UCC), a signature publication (usually a short, to the point, book. Although it could be a report or a training audio or video). A UCC gives your ideal audience your formula for solving their most urgent and painful needs. It also gives your people a little bit of your flavor and serves as an invitation to join you on their journey of transformation.
Plus, did you know you could write an ultimate calling card in the form of a bestselling ebook in just 2 hours?
Read the above line again, in case you skipped it. It’s true. You can have a book in 2 hours
How do you monetize it?
There are many ways to monetize your hidden expertise, and it all depends on the kind of lifestyle you want.
If you’re looking for a Timothy Ferris 4-hour workweek lifestyle, then you want to create more passive forms of income streams like books, online home study courses, and workshops. If you want to be more hands-on with your solutions, then more engaged forms of helping others such as freelancing, consulting or coaching might be for you. If you love being in the limelight than public speaking or media (e.g. syndicated radio shows, or local TV segments) might be for you.
I coach clients on how to breakthrough their income ceiling and unleash their potential for creating a lifestyle of stress-free abundance. By creating an ultimate calling card, you can leverage your knowledge into a side business that produces the lifestyle and income you want for you and your family.
If you want some help in exploring your options, read our guide to creating steady and abundant cash flow. It covers my entire process to going from zero to product to profitable side business. You could use the guide and get started on your journey today.
How do you get started?
Unleashing your hidden expertise as soon as possible will be the single biggest action you can take to launch a new path where you can happily serve others in exchange for an income to support the lifestyle you have worked so hard for (and are continuing to exhaust yourself for every day).
Curious about how to get started on this path? Get your free guide to using your deep passions and amazing skills to create steady and abundant cash flow in just 2 hours. It’s a myth that it takes years to write a book. And a book is the perfect gateway to new possibilities for income from courses and seminars to speaking, coaching, and consulting and more.
You’ll learn the exact path you can follow to create new possibilities for income from courses and seminars to speaking, coaching, and consulting and more.
Ready to get started? Grab your free guide below: